Lexi was a beautiful and vibrant 8-year-old child who died from cancer before her life could blossom. Her amazing family has turned this tragedy into hope – hope that other children will receive the medical treatment they need to conquer their battles with cancer. So it’s easy to see why MicroHealth jumped at the chance to sponsor, volunteer, and participate in Laps for Lexi. It was truly heart warming to be among the hundreds of people who came together on Saturday, September 28th to remember and support the cause by walking and running. You see, purple was Lexi’s favorite color and when the crowd released the cluster of purple balloons into the sky towards heaven…well, you get the picture. There wasn’t a dry eye in the place. It’s the sort of thing that resets your priorities in life to what really matters – our family and life itself. This event raised over $45,000 that went towards the Lexi Speight Chair in Pediatric Oncology at Children’s National Medical Center and the Lexi Speight Scholarship Fund at Sandy Spring Friends School.
Learn more and maybe we will see you at the Sandy Spring Friends School next year for the 5th Annual Laps for Lexi. https://www.lapsforlexi.org/