Cloud Computing

By Frank Tucker | Nov 1, 2015

Cloud technology has steadily become a core aspect of our modern lives. While it affects our personal lives, it also has a significant influence on the healthcare industry. Explore how this contemporary form of data management has modified healthcare workflows.

What Is Cloud Computing?

Cloud computing relies on sharing computing resources rather than on local services and on-site systems. The term “cloud” is another way to refer to the internet. When you use cloud applications, you store your data in a database off-site. In many cases, this database is shared with other people, but private clouds are an option.

Google and Microsoft are two companies well known for their cloud services, such as Gmail and SharePoint. While these platforms have free versions, most users have to purchase cloud storage space when they reach the free data limit.

Many people rely on cloud computing in their personal and professional lives. With its growing accessibility, it’s become a significant part of our technology usage, and it continues to change industries with the ways it optimizes workflows and transforms how we handle our data.

How Is Cloud Technology Benefitting Healthcare?

In healthcare, cloud computing has left a considerable impact. The industry has always had complex data requirements, like high volumes to manage and privacy needs related to HIPAA and other compliance bodies. Cloud computing offers tools that simplify many of these complexities.

With cloud technology, healthcare organizations can:

  • Manage data more effectively: Healthcare organizations face the challenge of managing a wide breadth of data, from personal information and medical history to payment records and insurance accounts. Structuring this data manually is often time-consuming and expensive, and it often leads to errors. With cloud computing applications and machine learning capabilities, platforms can manage data for organizations and store them in a way that is secure and accessible to the right parties.
  • Improve accessibility of services: Cloud platforms enable medical practices to integrate telemedicine into their service offerings. When patients can access care from their homes, it’s easy for them to follow through with appointments. Beyond regular appointments, cloud platforms keep patients in touch with their doctors following medication changes, surgeries and other notable health adjustments.
  • Foster clinic-patient interaction: While data accessibility is valuable internally, it can also enhance interactions between clinics and patients. Organizations can use cloud platforms to send test results, treatment updates and more in real time. Patients feel informed about their care, and doctors can strengthen their care management. With access to medical records through these platforms, physicians can also prevent over prescriptions.
  • Encourage staff collaboration: Communication among medical staff is often critical to quality of care. Tools like cloud-based electronic health records (EHRs) allow physicians to record patient notes and possible diagnoses that are then easily accessible to other doctors. With all care providers informed about a patient’s needs, quality of care increases and the risk of misinterpretation is mitigated.

Healthcare Cloud Computing Solutions From MicroHealth

At MicroHealth, we see the many benefits of cloud computing in healthcare, and we provide the solutions you need to streamline your data management. Explore our solutions today, and get in touch with us to learn more.

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