Best Practices for Training Healthcare Staff on New IT Systems

By Trinity Cyrus | Jul 17, 2024

Upgrading your IT systems can be a great advancement for your healthcare facility, but training all staff on the new software can be challenging. Follow our best practices for healthcare IT system training to ensure the transition is smooth.

1. Designate a Primary Point of Contact

When training healthcare staff on IT systems, questions come with the territory. Choose one or two staff members who would be willing to learn the new system ahead of time to prepare for its implementation. They can answer questions and offer tips and shortcuts to make the process easier for the rest of the team.

An ideal point of contact should be someone from your facility with high computer literacy. They must also be available to help with frequent questions and training. Staying within your facility is important for this role, as your point of contact will be using the software themselves and already have an established relationship with your team members.

2. Use Training Resources

Most IT software offers built-in training resources, such as modules and tutorials. These resources are often tailored to an individual’s role within the healthcare system. For example, a nurse’s training module may look different than an office administrator’s, as their jobs will encompass different aspects of the software.

Encourage employees to complete these sessions and videos to best understand their new system’s features and functionalities. If they need to complete training on their own time, consider offering incentives for doing so, such as bonuses or giveaways.

3. Offer Hands-On Training 

Hands-on learning is essential to effective IT training in health care. During your initial training, create realistic patient scenarios as an activity. The staff can practice entering data without damaging real patient records.

While on the job, have staff members notify a supervisor before logging any real patient data into the software for the first time. The supervisor will ensure the staff member is comfortable, answer any questions they may have and offer support as needed.

4. Provide Continuous Support and Be Open to Feedback

When training healthcare staff on IT systems, provide continuous support, particularly in the beginning. Learning a new system can be challenging, especially for long-term staff members who have gotten used to the old program. Offer regular training sessions, a point of contact for questions or other ways for staff members to get in touch for support. 

In the same way, be open to feedback. The staff are the primary audience for this new software and will use it every day, making their feedback valuable to the facility’s efficiency. While there may be limitations to what you can change about the software, do what you can to help staff members stay productive in their work routines.

5. Recognize and Celebrate Achievements

As a team, celebrate the small wins along the way. For example, if a team member completed all their training modules within a week, recognize their hard work and dedication to the new software. You could also provide favorable reinforcements to excite the team and build a positive attitude around the latest change. When offering IT training for healthcare staff, recognizing achievements and celebrating hard work can promote company morale and engagement with the new system.

Reach out to MicroHealth for Expert IT Solutions

At MicroHealth, we offer customized healthcare technology services to help facilities deliver better patient care. Together, we can implement any new technology your organization needs and help you train your staff on the protocol for a seamless transition.

Are you ready to experience the modernization of healthcare IT software? Contact MicroHealth to get started today.


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