Claude Hines Jr. is the co-founder and COO for MicroHealth, LLC who was granted North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University’s ROTC Award last April 2014. Hines displayed pursuit of knowledge, higher learning, leadership excellence, a strong sense of personal integrity, honor, and individual responsibility, all requirements for the ROTC award.
The ROTC Hall of Fame was established to recognize those with outstanding civilian accomplishments and military accomplishments, as well as performing as an outstanding citizen. Additionally, “the pursuit of knowledge, higher learning, leadership excellence, a strong sense of personal integrity, honor, and individual responsibility,” are required to be inducted.
According to the NC A&T website, the Honoree must be a graduate of NC A&T, must have pursued a military career, made an extraordinary contribution to the school’s ROTC program, achieved national prominence, and/or given their life in defense of the nation.
Hines demonstrated strong performance of Army values: self-sacrifice, compassion, good judgment, gallantry, and excellence in leadership. He has almost 26 years of experience with the medical logistics systems and management of military clinical systems. He holds a Bachelor of Science from North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University and a Master of Science in Health Services Administration from Central Michigan University.
On why he had joined the military, Hines said: “Seeing folks in uniform and having friends in the army inspired me – I looked up to them. As soon as I could, I joined the ROTC.” Hines’ move to the military allowed him to travel and explore the world: “The military exposed me to a lot of the world that I wouldn’t otherwise be able to experience.”
He is also a certified U.S. Army Acquisition Professional in Program Management, Contracting, and holds PMP certification. He is a recipient of several awards, including the 2010 Federal 100 Award, the Association of Military Surgeons of the United States Outstanding Medical Information Management Executive Award and the Legion of Merit.
He was the Deputy Program Executive Officer, Innovation and Delivery for the Department of Defense, Military Health System and Joint Medical Information Systems. During his career he also served as Program Manager for the Defense Health Information Management System managing 42 disparate Automated Information Systems into an integrated family of systems.
About MicroHealth
MicroHealth is a Service Disabled Veteran Owned Small Business who specializes in Health Information Technology (HIT) for federal and commercial health institutions. Within the HIT domain, we specialize in Program Management, Research, Business Intelligence, Systems Engineering, Software Development, System Integration & Engineering, Human Factors Engineering, Enterprise Architecture, Business Process Re-Engineering, Information Assurance, Mobile Technology, Electronic Health Records, Health Communication, Training, Testing and Medical Logistics. At MicroHealth, we believe health information technology is less about the technology. It’s about the PEOPLE empowered with information to make better decisions; VALUE it brings to patients, providers, public health and payers; and INNOVATION that help improve patient outcomes.