If appropriate, check the checkbox to answer the exceed net worth statement, then fill out the form that displays; otherwise, discontinue.
Select a corresponding checkbox for a veteran's dependents status to display qualifying info.
Check the appropriate option for Housebound or Aid and Attendance.
Only input digits for the following:
Countable yearly income.
Medical expenses 5% above MAPR.
The number of additional dependents, if any.
Exclude working child wages, if appropriate.
Click the “Print” button and follow through to receive a printout of results.
NOTE: When you leave this page or click refresh, all the values you entered will be cleared.
Select the Appropriate Status of Veteran(s)
1If you have medical expenses, you may deduct only the amount that's above 5% of your MAPR amount ($848 for a Veteran with no spouse or child)($1,110 for a Veteran with 1 dependent).
2If you have more than one dependent, add $2,902 to your MAPR amount for each additional dependent.
3If you have a child who works, you may exclude their wages up to $15,000.