If appropriate, check the checkbox to answer the exceed net worth statement, then fill out the form that displays; otherwise, discontinue.
Select a corresponding checkbox for a veteran's surviving dependent(s) to display qualifying info.
If selecting surviving spouse with/without dependents:
Check the appropriate option for Housebound or Aid and Attendance.
Only input digits for the following:
Countable yearly income.
Medical expenses 5% above MAPR.
The number of additional dependents, if any.
Exclude working child wages, if appropriate.
Click the “Print” button and follow through to receive a printout of results.
NOTE: When you leave this page or click refresh, all the values you entered will be cleared.
Check the Appropriate Box for Survivor(s)
The Survivor Benefit Plan (SBP)/Minimum Income Annuity (MIW) limitation is $11,380.
1If you have medical expenses, you may deduct only the amount that's above 5% of your MAPR amount ($569 for a surviving spouse with no dependent child)($744 for a surviving spouse with 1 dependent).
2If you have more than one dependent, add $2,902 to your MAPR amount for each additional dependent.
3If you have a child who works, you may exclude their wages up to $15,000 for 2025.