VA Special Benefit Allowances

Select Calculator Background Color:

  1. Select a corresponding checkbox for a Special Benefit Allowance to display qualifying info.
  2. Follow the instructions that display (if any).

Click the “Print” button and follow through to receive a printout of results.

NOTE: When you leave this page or click refresh, all the values you entered will be cleared.

Select the appropriate Special Benefit Allowance

If you are a Veteran or Service Member with a service-connected disability that prevents you from driving, you may be able to get money to help you buy or change a vehicle so you can drive.

If you're a Veteran, you may receive money to help you replace clothes damaged that are related to your service-connected disability, such as: medicine you're taking for a skin condition, your prosthetic, or your orthopedic device (e.g.: a wheelchair).

Added compensation if you’ve received the Medal of Honor

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