If the veteran has blindness, select an option under "Select Blindness Disability for Left Eye" and/or "Select Blindness Disability for Right Eye".
If the veteran has service-connected deafness in at least one ear, under "Select Deafness Disability" check either "Total Deafness in One Ear" or "Deafness in Both Ears". If both, then check the "Level of Deafness".
If the veteran's upper limb(s) or extremity(ies) are disabled, then select an option under "Select Upper Limb Disability for Left Arm" and/or "Select Upper Limb Disability for Right Arm".
If the veteran's lower limb(s) or extremity(ies) are disabled, then select an option under "Select Lower Limb Disability for Left Leg" and/or "Select Lower Limb Disability for Right Leg".
Under "Select Other Disability(ies)", check any disability that applies.
Under "Select Additional Independent Permanent Disability(ies)", check any option that applies.
STEP 2: Submit Form
To submit your selections and receive the results, click the "SUBMIT" button located below the Form.
Although all selected disabilities might not apply towards the SMC Level that displays under RESULTS, the highest SMC Level the veteran qualifies for should display.
When a veteran has disabilities that might qualify for SMC-K, they will be listed under RESULTS. Depending on the SMC Level, a veteran may receive a maximum of 3 SMC-K Awards, as long as the value added to SMC-L through SMC-N 1/2 does not exceed the value of SMC-O.
Depending on the SMC Level that displays under RESULTS, the Special Aid and Attendance section will be shown. Check the option that applies, and the results will update accordingly.
When the Form is altered after submit, the RESULTS content and Special Aid and Attendance section (when shown) will no longer display.
STEP 3: Reset Form
To reset the Form to its default state, click the "Reset" button located below the Form.
STEP 4: Print Results
To print the Form with Results, click the "Print" button located below the Form.
NOTE: When you leave this page or click refresh, all the values you entered will be cleared.